
Alice Zoo

Commissioned by National Geographic, Stonehenge saw Alice travel to the world famous pre-historic monument, documenting day to day visitors and celebrations, historians, archaeologists, environmentalists, Druids, and contemporary spiritualists.

Alice’s imagery explores the enduring lure of this ancient neolithic site, and the rituals, ceremonies and celebrations that connect humans today to those who built it.

Alice was given an extended time period of a year, from briefing to delivery, to make her photographs, which allowed her to research the subject in depth before visiting. During the course of her time spent there, she witnessed a wide cross-section of society engaging with the stones – from young babies, to spontaneous nuptials, and Druid equinox rituals. Alice says of the experience.

"It felt like we were seeing the whole scale of people’s lives and the passage of time. It was amazing how much that connection was totally visible, really emphatically… Even though that was part of our plan, to begin with, it was still genuinely surprising to me the extent to which that was the case."

Alice Zoo - Photographer

Read more about the project in Alice's own words in the British Journal of Photography.

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