Land Loss

Max Miechowski's first monograph, sees the photographer tackle themes of time, resilience and loss on Britain’s fast-eroding East Coast. The project is the culmination of three years’ work that saw Max embed himself in communities deeply affected by coastal erosion, working with those whose homes and livelihoods exist precariously atop the shifting soil.

Choosing to work with the landscape, rather than against it, Max’s photographs beautifully portray the slow and steady ebb and flow of time spent in the liminal space between land and sea.

"I expected to find storms, rough seas, ruined houses falling into the waves. A sense of urgency from the people living on the edge of a landscape, where entire towns have been lost to the North Sea. Instead, the land felt still, the waters were calm, and time moved slowly."

Max Miechowski, Photographer

In October 2023, Land Loss was published by Witty Books, in a soft cover edition of 500, designed by Nicolas Polli. The book was launched alongside a solo exhibition of prints presented by Open Doors Gallery at Have A Butchers in Dalston.

Land Loss will travel to Les Champs Libres in Rennes this Autumn for exhibition. The work has previously been exhibited with Open Doors Gallery at Photo London 2022, and won Max the Photo London/Nikon Emerging Photographer Award, amongst significant other press.


Witty Books

Print Sales

Open Doors Gallery